Blessed Assurance

I am sure we have all seen the ads for the buyer assurance protection plans, we all pay insurance on our vehicles and belongings (at least I hope we do), and we likely look for the warranty or some guarantee that what we invest in will be protected.

It is pretty sad when you stop to think about it. The only guarantee we have is that the thing we buy, the relationships we invest in, the homes we live in, are not going to be here forever. At some point in our lives something can happen to take any, or all of these things away.

In church last Sunday the pastor was teaching on Romans 5, which is the passage on peace and joy through suffering.  I must admit, growing up in church I have heard this passage preached many times and truth be told I don’t always pay attention – much less like what I hear.

However! Listening to my pastor preach this sermon made me realize something in a new way. As he read verses one and two of Romans 5, he made a comment (and I wish I could remember exactly how he said it but I can’t, so instead I will explain how it struck me.)  Therefore. since we have been justified through faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:1

HAVE been justified –  HAVE gained access –  in which we NOW stand as in – it is already done! When we step into a relationship with the Lord Jesus it is finished! We are redeemed, we are justified, we are saved! We can rest in the ASSURANCE of our salvation. This is the one thing, the one and only thing we can have complete confidence in, the one thing that will not change.

So as I navigate this life of constant surprises and unexpected endings I can joyfully continue to look forward and marvel at the love the Lord has for all of us in that He knew we would find ourselves stuck in sin, yet still He sent his one and only son to take our punishment, Jesus took our death penalty in order that those who have a relationship with Him can have assurance that life has purpose and that each and every experience is leading toward that purpose.

What an amazing knowledge!!


Submitted by: Amy Salzman

Amy has been writing for most of her life as a release for her pain, then in 2006 the Lord opened doors that have enabled her to help others who are struggling with recovering from emotional and physical trauma. Using stories, quips, humor, and examples she offers hope and encouragement to those stuck in the quicksand of discouragement.
