'Write a Yearly Plan' is Available

You Don't Have to Feel Overwhelmed or Stuck - Find Out How You Can Have An Amazing Year

With the end of March comes the end of the first quarter of 2017. The end of a quarter is the perfect time to evaluate how the year is going so far.

Have you ever wondered how some people can accomplish so much in life? How would you feel if I told you it wasn’t all in their abilities?  If you could have similar results, would you want to learn the techniques?

Imagine having a healthy work / life balance and not feeling overwhelmed by all you have to accomplish in life.

I, like you, wanted those things too, that’s why I created Write a Yearly Plan

'Write a Yearly Plan' will help you

  • put a plan in place for a great year
  • take steps to put action to your dreams
  • create a work/life balance
  • get unstuck
  • set aside time for the important things in life (relationships, time with the Lord, etc.)
  • set and obtain goals which are honoring to the Lord but also are in alignment with your priorities

Write a Yearly Plan is a workbook, along with other materials which will walk you through the process of planning out your year and setting goals. Many successful people the world over regularly go through the process of planning. This is what one well known author has to say about planning.

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”

— Alan Lakein

What’s included you ask?

'Write a Yearly Plan' comes with:

  • The 21 page Write a Yearly Plan Workbook
  • Video: For the Workbook
  • BONUS ITEM: Weekly Planning Worksheet
  • BONUS ITEM: Bible Study 'What Scripture Says About Planning' by: Shelley Howland

Who am I and why did I develop 'Write a Yearly Plan'?

I once felt stuck too. I used to feel overwhelmed by all I had to accomplish. I use to wish I knew how to find time in my busy schedule to do the fun things, the little things like have lunch with one of my kids, or to write for my blog, or even to pursue dreams.

At one point, I said, "enough is enough" and then, over a ten year period of trial and error, I developed 'Write a Yearly Plan'. This is the exact same planning process which my husband, myself, and now many other people use to put their ideas, thoughts, and dreams into action. This is the exact same planning process I have used every year for the last ten years to grow a company into having over $1,000,000 in revenue.

I know you may be thinking, “But, I’m not starting a business” or “I’m not after big, huge dreams and goals.” 

That’s ok! Up until this past September I was a homeschooling mom (for 20+ years). I used this same planning process for

  • setting goals for our homeschooling
  • my household projects
  • and any ministry projects in my life

I also used it to set goals for how many times a month I wanted to take one of the kids out for lunch and other small, but important things like that.'Write a Yearly Plan' will meet you wherever you are in life and guide you to set plans in those areas.

When you have completed the 'Write a Yearly Plan' workbook, you will have set goals in each area of your life, and you will have a plan in place to make those goals happen…that’s a good feeling, trust me.  

It doesn’t matter if what you want to do with your life involves starting a business, blogging, working in a ministry, homeschooling your kids, or anything else, you’ll have a plan. You will also have committed your year to the Lord. I have used many different versions of yearly planning material and I have yet to see one which approaches planning from that starting place. I believe this is of utmost importance in the life of a believer. This is how you create a healthy work/life balance.

To access 'Write a Yearly Plan' go here:  https://faithful-bloggers.teachable.com/p/write-a-yearly-plan